Refresh Visual Studio Add-in settings

Here are some steps to try if you’re having problems with addins in Visual Studio (for example if toolbars or menus have vanished, or have been duplicated).

First, close all Visual Studio instances.

Then open a command line console with Visual Studio settings (e.g. “Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt” from the start menu) and type:

devenv /resetaddin *

That line will clear the settings for all addins and cause them to refresh menus and toolbars the next time Visual Studio is started. To do that with an individual add-in, which requires knowing its class name, including namespace, type

devenv /resetaddin CodeAssist.Connect

If the above does not help, then try this (NOTE: This will delete all customization done to Visual Studio, such as keyboard mappings, etc!):

devenv /resetsettings
devenv /resetaddin *

When starting Visual Studio, you should now face a fresh and clean environment.

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